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Web3 Portfolio Builder Bootcamp Cohort 2
Introduction - READ FIRST
Week 1 Day 1 Morning
Web Development I - Components of A Website or Web App (3:55)
Introduction to HTML (4:38)
Text Tags (8:08)
Lists (3:51)
Images (4:51)
Links and Anchors (8:20)
Tables (9:43)
The Lab (20:47)
Week 1 Day 1 Evening
Input and Output (2:27)
String Data Type (3:40)
String Concatenation (5:27)
String Length (1:42)
String Slicing (5:53)
String Methods (4:45)
Variables (5:28)
Null Data Types (1:14)
Comments (3:17)
Integers and Floats (2:56)
Arithmetic Operators (3:27)
Type Conversion (7:31)
Combining Variables (4:27)
Summary (2:50)
Practice Problems
Week 1 Day 2 Morning
Grouping Elements (6:39)
Forms (17:19)
CSS syntax (3:11)
Height/Width (6:09)
Colors (6:33)
Font Family (3:54)
Font Style, Size, Weight (2:49)
Text Color and Alignment (4:19)
Line Height (3:24)
Anchor Formatting (2:12)
Two Lorem Ipsum Resources (2:14)
Background Color (1:58)
Background Image and Repeat (3:32)
Gradients (5:36)
Background Size and Position (7:48)
Images (5:26)
Border-collapse for tables (2:57)
CSS I Lab (17:53)
HTML II - Lab (16:32)
Week 1 Day 2 Evening
Day 2 Intro (2:27)
Exponents (1:15)
Integer Division (1:03)
Modulo (4:24)
Compound Assignment (2:31)
Math Formulas (4:57)
Square and Nth Roots (2:06)
Summary 1 (0:58)
Introduction 2 (1:35)
Comparison Operations (6:47)
If Statements (13:14)
Elif Statements (8:07)
Else Statements (9:24)
Logical Operators (6:11)
Logical Precedence (2:22)
Short-Circuiting (optional) (7:18)
Nesting Conditionals (optional) (4:58)
Guard Clauses (optional) (4:07)
Summary 2 (4:55)
Practice Problems
Practice Problems Solutions
Arithmetic Operators Quiz
Conditional Control Structures Quiz
Week 1 Day 3 Morning
Introduction (1:14)
External Stylesheets vs. Internal Styling vs. Inline Styling (6:31)
Classes and IDs and how they are used in CSS as selectors (7:36)
CSS Specificity (9:55)
Box Model (3:44)
Borders and Shadows (7:57)
Padding and Margin (14:36)
Units of Measurement (12:03)
Wrappers and Containers (6:35)
Display Properties (8:11)
Position Properties (8:35)
Floats (7:57)
Z-index (9:04)
Min Max Height Width (4:46)
CSS III - Lab (25:41)
Week 1 Day 3 Evening
Introduction to Functions (1:10)
Creating Functions (1:28)
Function Parameters (1:14)
The Return Keyword (1:07)
Returning Early and Guard Clauses (2:44)
Optional Parameters (6:17)
More Return Variables (2:40)
Global Variables (1:40)
Local Variables (5:29)
Shadowing Variables (2:14)
Function Naming Conventions (4:50)
The Pass Keyword (1:54)
Recursive Functions (8:04)
How to Avoid Infinite Recursive Loops (7:22)
Functions Summary (2:01)
Functions Exercises
Functions Quiz
Introduction to Loops (1:10)
While Loops (3:08)
Break and Continue (3:24)
Infinite Loops (2:48)
Do While Loops (3:00)
For Loops (7:21)
For x in Range Loops (7:28)
For x in y Loops (5:35)
Nested Loops (6:39)
Loops Summary (0:56)
Loops Exercises
Looping Control Structures Quiz
Week 1 Day 4 Morning
CSS Reset (10:24)
Combinators & Nesting (7:16)
Pseudoclasses (22:45)
CSS IV - Lab (31:03)
Week 1 Day 4 Evening
Day 4 - Part 1: Classes and Objects (0:58)
What are Classes? (1:44)
Defining and Initializing Classes (1:25)
The self convention (2:25)
Creating and Working with Objects (2:59)
Accessing attributes and methods (1:50)
Modifying object attributes (1:30)
Part 1 Classes and Objects - Lesson Summary (1:17)
Classes and Objects Exercises
Classes and Objects Quiz
Part 2: Data Structures (1:46)
Creating and Accessing Lists (2:44)
List Operations - Append, Insert, Extend (4:07)
List Operations - Pop, Remove, Index (5:16)
List Operations - Count, Sort, Reverse (5:04)
List Operations - Review (3:20)
What Are Dictionaries? (5:18)
Dictionary Operations - Keys, Values, Pop, Popitem (5:28)
Dictionary Operations - Clear, Copy, Update (5:30)
Tuples and Immutable Data Types (3:48)
What Are Sets? (3:16)
Set Operations (2:38)
Sets vs Dictionaries (0:55)
Nested Lists (2:31)
Nested Dictionaries (4:06)
Mixed Data Structures (2:19)
Data Structures Summary (1:52)
Data Structures Exercises
Data Structures Quiz
Week 1 Day 5 Morning
Flexbox (23:23)
CSS V - Lab 1 (17:07)
CSS V - Lab 2 (35:53)
Week 1 Day 5 Evening
Randomness Intro (0:55)
What Are Random Numbers (1:49)
Importing Random (1:32)
Random Number Functions (6:03)
Random Sequence Functions (1:55)
Real-World Applications (1:58)
Randomness Summary (1:19)
Randomness Exercises
Randomness Quiz
Week 1 Project
Week 1 Project Criteria (1:36)
Game Assets (4:44)
Difficulty Settings (4:37)
Main Menu (5:05)
Game Rules (3:49)
Exit Game (4:35)
Start New Game (29:31)
GameState Class (7:29)
Getters and Setters (3:30)
Display Stats (1:59)
Game Loop (4:59)
Prompt Guess (6:52)
Add Guessed Letter
Process Guess (4:53)
Add Guess to Partial Word (9:28)
Game Over Methods (9:12)
Testing Review (4:03)
Pre-Filled Letters (8:38)
Project Summary (5:08)
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Difficulty Settings
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